Your Care, Your Way!

An individual budget puts the customer in control of their care. It is the future of all the people who require home care and social care.
It is a sum of money agreed by you and social services to spend on services that will improve your quality of life, this is self directed support.
You can then use the budget to buy your own care from agencies such as "Broadfield" or to buy equipment that will help you become more independent.

Individual Budget
Self Directed Support
• Is now Government policy
• It is the new system of social care
• It puts you in control of your care services
• You can use the money to buy services you want, not what others decide.
• You can control your money or let someone else control it for you like (Broadfield Care)
• There are systems in place for working out how much money you will get for your support

How do I get an individual budget and use it for self directed support?
Your local authority will issue you with a Self Rating Questionnaire. Once this questionnaire has been completed by yourself or with help from family or friends, this will tell you how much of a budget you will be entitled to. This is called an indicative budget because it is still subject to change.

You then have to make and agree a plan; it will have to say how you are going to spend your budget on things that will improve your quality of life. You can get help with your plan from your family, friends or an agency like (Broadfield Care) when making your plan consider things like:

• What is working and not working in your life at the present
• What support you want and need
• What is important in your life and what do you want to do
• How can you make these things happen

Once you think your plan is complete you can get in touch with your social worker who will then have it verified for you.

When your plan has been agreed you will need to organise your money, you will need to decide who is going to manage it for you, so that your care bill can be paid. Here are some options to help you decide.
• You can manage your money yourself but you will need to open a new bank account
• You can ask a member of your family or, a trusted friend.
• Social services can manage it for you or a care agency such as(Broadfield)
• A trust can manage it for you.

When organising you support you need to
• Decide what support you are going to want
• You will need to arrange and manage your support
• You can do this yourself or if you prefer get help from a family member, a friend or (Broadfield Care) who can assist you with this.

These are not the only options available you can find out more here

To live your life to the full you can use the services of a professional company such as (Broadfield Care Services) make your own arrangements you can even buy a piece of equipment that will help you in your life that will enable you to become more independent.

The Social Services will review you on a regular basis and you will have to be able to show them that you have used your budget properly. The review also gives you the chance to decide whether your plan is working for you.
You can call Broadfield Care Services on our office number 01254 879784 now and ask to speak to Dawn or Sharon to see how we can help with your personal budget and self directive support contact us now.